5 Pieces of Advice for New Business Professionals


From my experience with owning a company that recruits a large number of recent graduates and young business professionals, I have had the opportunity to see, firsthand, just how lost these younger generations are when it comes to getting their foot in the door in a professional workplace. I wanted to offer some advice to those who are new to the professional world and aren’t quite sure how to navigate their way through it, but also have goals of becoming extremely successful. 

Here are a few pieces of advice for those of you that are starting to search for your first job out of college, interviewing, or getting ready to start your first day of work.


1.    You are who you surround yourself with.

It is easy to get caught up in the negativity that often consumes the corporate world, but as a new business professional, it is important to set yourself up for success. Instead of spending time hanging around the “Debbie Downers” of the office that drain any sort of positive energy around them, seek out the individuals in the office that are always in a great mood and eager to work. Surrounding yourself with other like-minded business professionals will keep you motivated and focused on your personal career goals. Plus, no one likes to hang around the Debbie’s of the office, anyway.

2.    To get the job, you must look the part.

You would think this would be common sense, but I see way too many recent graduates walk into the office for an interview and that thought they would get hired wearing the same clothes they wear to college lecture halls or frat parties. The first impression you give employers is what determines if they will want to take the time to get to know you and strongly consider you for the position. The last thing you want is recruiters being distracted by how you are dressed, rather than really listening to what you have to say. 

You can’t control the outcome of the interview, but you can set yourself up for a better outcome by making sure you are dressed the part. It’s an easy fix. Ladies, this means to leave the glitter Uggs and leggings and at home. And gentleman, denim is not considered “business professional”. If you’re not sure what to wear, research the company, check out what kind of photos they post on social media, or even call the interviewer to ask about what the attire is for the interview. If you already dress as if you work for the company, then the likelihood of getting the job will be more in your favor.

3.    Take the leap!

It is human nature that we stay in situations where we are safe or comfortable. But I can guarantee you that the job where you are the most secure or offered the most stability, is the job where you will grow the least. If you have an opportunity to challenge yourself or try something new, choose that route every single time. It is in those tough situations that we grow the most personally and professionally.

If I hadn’t chose to take the leap and own my own business, I would be stuck in a draining, stagnant corporate job making much less than I am making now. And although I put myself at a huge risk with owning my own business and am often working far over the regular work week, I have seen the most amount of success after taking that leap. If you choose to play it safe and be complacent, I can promise you that you will not see the kind of results that you’re hoping to achieve. As the saying goes, “success never comes from comfort zones”. 

4.    Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion.

Even though chances are pretty high that you will be the youngest one in the office, there is no reason to be intimidated or nervous to voice your opinions to your successors. It is easy for anyone that has been in the business for years to overlook things and your fresh insight regarding these matters could help to solve company-wide issues. The key is to offer your advice and ideas but do so confidently and respectfully. Offering your advice, while also being able to carry yourself well will earn you a large amount of respect from your successors and peers and will set you up for more responsibilities or more opportunities to prove your capabilities down the road. The ones that take a seat in meetings and remain quiet are most often viewed as the under-achievers - it is crucial to set yourself apart from this group right from the start.

5.    Be able to sell yourself in any situation.

This is the single most important piece of advice that I could offer any new business professional. If you can’t sell yourself to potential employers, then you won’t get any job offers. And although it is important to sell yourself, as a new professional, the chances are pretty high that you won’t be able to sell employers on your experience, primarily due to lack of it, but you can sell them on your willingness to learn. 

Any good employer understands that recent college graduates will lack the experience that most companies are looking for, but this is where we often find the most drive and ambition in potential employees. If you lack experience, it doesn’t mean you will not be considered for every job you come across, you just have to be able to sell yourself in the interview on your willingness to learn and your drive to be successful. These personality traits speak louder than any lengthy resume or prestigious college degree.


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